Picture Etherea is a family-run company specialising in atmospheric landscape imagery. Our hope is that these beautiful artistic images will provide enjoyment and a rewarding emotional response that allows the viewer to escape for a while into a calm and peaceful world.

Peter began photographing and filming at an early age and his experiments with landscape photography led to the development of a style of photography that creates our dreamy, picturesque landscapes. Combining several techniques, the images are built up over a period of time, utilising photography as well as digital painting. The process is a very organic one, the images develop and build gradually until the image reveals itself as the many layers come together. The depth of the images encourages the viewer to look closer, lose themselves in the details and discover new aspects along the way.

There is a growing body of evidence to support the health and well-being benefits of exposure to the natural world. Our wish is that these large, immersive prints will help bring nature back into your rooms and stimulate these positive feelings. We hope that our beautiful images connect with you emotionally and have the power to bring a meditative experience into your space.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more or if you have any requests for images or products.

Many thanks,

The Picture Etherea family.

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