Copyright notice

Please note that all images on this website are Copyright © Picture Etherea and are protected under UK law, all rights reserved.

No images are to be taken or copied and used in any medium, electronic or otherwise without the express, written permission of Picture Etherea. We can be contacted via this site using the contact form or directly via e-mail. If permissions are granted, exact usage of the image will be ascertained, and we will assert our moral rights to be acknowledged and visibly credited as the creator of the image within the written contract.

Copyright protects our economic and moral rights and infringement of this copyright includes the reproduction and copying of any website images or purchased prints whether in the physical form of additional prints or reproduction in any electronic media.

Economic rights

Economic rights protect commercial gain from the illegal exploitation of work. This includes but is not exclusive to:

Copying a work in any way.

Issuing copies of a work to the public.

Communication to the public:
Communication of a work to the public by electronic transmission.

Copying and making an adaptation of a work.

Moral Rights

Moral rights protect the creators emotional and intellectual attachment to their work. UK rights include but are not exclusive to:

The right to be recognised as the creator of a work.

Derogatory treatment of a work:
Any alteration to a work that amounts to a distortion or mutilation of the work.

Please assume that you do not have permission to take any image from this website and will be infringing copyright laws unless you have contacted us, your terms of image use are accepted and you receive written permission from Picture Etherea. Any infringement of copyright will be acted upon in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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